Monday, October 31, 2016

The Glowing Runner

A glowing runner 

A blue ball that floats through the air

Children  are so innocent

They believe with their hearts

They don't  question what they see or hear.

 Dusk was setting in 

Dinner had been prepared, served, and eaten.

The dishes were being hand washed (by me of course)

A warm Breeze was blowing in from the back door. 

It all seemed so suriel when a little voice screamed 

 “ Mommy, Mommy, there is a man glowing, running through our yard”

“What? “ I asked with disbelief

“ come see Mommy” she said frantically and pulled me to the back door.

There was nothing there.

"you probably thought you saw something but it was most likely a bird or a firefly" I said and brushed it off.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Holy Thursday and What it was ounce.

           The road to Easter for me and my family starts on Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday represents the last supper the night Judas betrays...