Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dream With Your Soul: It's all about the dress or is it?

Dream With Your Soul: It's all about the dress or is it?: Every girl dreams of the day, she finds her prince, falls in love and gets married. Finding the perfect one wasn’t easy for me.  At 37 I ha...

It's all about the dress or is it?

Every girl dreams of the day, she finds her prince, falls in love and gets married. Finding the perfect one wasn’t easy for me.  At 37 I had kissed a few frogs and heard a lot of Bull. Then one day at a christening party there he was.  Our first date was two weeks later, I was sure he wasn’t going to call but thank god he did.  We went to dinner at Dodice’s, after dinner played a game of pool at the billiard, and then ended the night at the piano bar for a glass of B&B.   That was the beginning.

                One year later we got engaged, yes some say it was too soon but what were we waiting for? We were both in our late 30's.
When you know you just know.  So it began the scavenger hunt.
Find a hall (Chateau Briand)
Flowers (Pedestals)
Limousines (Royalties)
Tux, brides maid and groom gifts and of course the honeymoon booked (Hawaii)
And then most important the hunt for the dress.
My mother and I started at Lillette’s, and ended there. I tried on 20 gowns give and take.
There was a gown, it was 100% silk, with princess sleeves, not too low of a neck line (too old to be bold) plain with no applications just plain.
We had found the dress.
My Mother cried and so did I, something though felt like it was missing.
I was talking to my friend Denise one day and I mentioned that I wanted a bride doll.  
My Bridal Shower was in March, My mother picked the place me and John had the night ter we got engaged La Palma.
The shower was beautiful but something was missing. There was a dais for me and my bridal party to sit. In the middle of the table was my doll.  It was a Madam Alexander doll dressed in a bridal gown with a tiara,  holding my bouquet of flowers.    
“Denise the doll is gorgeous thank you so much.” I said
“I took a picture of your dress and had my husband’s seamstress make the dress and sow it for the doll” Denise said.
I could not believe she went through that trouble and work for my doll.
I said “that was so nice of you, the only thing is they must have shown you the wrong dress. My dress does not have all that work on it.  It’s plain with no design.”
Denise said “no this is the one they showed me. I shrug my head and went on having another drink to toast the occasion.
Six weeks before my wedding the phone rings at work It’s the manager at Lillette’s.  
“ Hi Angela, I’m calling you because we have a problem with your dress” She says
My heart fell to my stomach.  “ what kind of problem”  I asked
“The dress came in but it’s not the one you ordered.” The woman said. “please come down and look at the dress, the designer cannot make the dress in time for your wedding”
At that point I felt jinxed.  The dress coming in wrong was a bad sign.  I wanted nothing to do with the dress. I wanted the one I ordered and that was that.
Diane who sat next to me at work was trying to talk to me but I could not stop crying.  My boss tried to calm me down but the tears would not go away.
I went home that night and cried to my mother, my brother my aunt anyone who called the house I would cry .  John tried to tell me not to worry but all I could hear is the wrong dress is here.  Us Italians we think everything happens for a reason, and my reason was doomsday. Then my godmother Maria called she worked at Lillette’s and said, I saw the dress it is beautiful, I know how you feel but come in you never know.
So the next day I left work early and went to try on the wrong dress.  The dress had appliqués  going from the bottom of the dress to the middle just like the doll.  My dress came in exactly like my dolls dress.  I tried it on and I felt like a princess in it.  My tears of sorrow had turned into tears of joy.  All the woman that were down stairs were all so happy for me.   They told me they were not going to charge me more than my dress cost.  The one that came in was much more expensive because of the work and design.  I was happy.

The next day I went into work  and told Diane what happened and she said “maybe that was the dress your Dad wanted you to wear”  I Thought about it and said maybe.  All along I was trying to down play my wedding because something was missing and maybe that was his way of saying I’m here.  

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Dream With Your Soul: My wish for Mother's day

Dream With Your Soul: My wish for Mother's day: When asked what would I like for mother’s day. My wish would be to hold you both in my arms for the first time. To rock you bot...

My wish for Mother's day

When asked what would I like for mother’s day.

My wish would be to hold you both in my arms for the first time.
To rock you both back and forth singing over the rainbow so you would fall asleep.

I would love to re live that moment when you looked at me from your crib and giggled.

To smell your hair right after a bath.

To hold your little hands while you took your first steps.

What I wouldn’t give for you just to run to me from your first day of nursery smiling and laughing.

To be able to dress you, brush your hair and take you with me where ever I go.

My wish would be to do it all over again and again.

I hope that one day I will see you celebrate mother’s day and feel the unconditional love that I feel for you.

All I want for mother’s day is what got me here in the first place to spend my day with you.

Holy Thursday and What it was ounce.

           The road to Easter for me and my family starts on Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday represents the last supper the night Judas betrays...