Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Some People, Everyone


There are some people that are dark inside.

No matter how much gold Is sprinkled on them.

They just won’t glow.


There are some people that are glowing inside.

No matter how much negative surrounds them,

They just won’t fade.

There are some people that are empty inside.

No matter how much they have,

They will never be fulfilled.

There are some people that are fulfilled inside.

No matter how much you take from them,

They just won’t fall.

There are some people that are sad inside.

No matter how much they are loved,

They just won’t smile.

There are some people who can’t stop smiling.

No matter how much it rains,

They just shine.







Holy Thursday and What it was ounce.

           The road to Easter for me and my family starts on Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday represents the last supper the night Judas betrays...